Penyuluhan Senam Osteoporosis sebagai pencegahan Osteoporosis
DOI: Kunci:
Teaching, osteoporosis exercise, prevention, osteoporosisAbstrak
Introduction: Low physical activity in society has an impact on increasing cases of osteoporosis. This makes bones break easily and causes pain, impaired movement and decreased productivity. Therefore, it is important to make efforts to prevent osteoporosis, such as physical exercise: osteoporosis exercises.
Objective: The purpose of this service was to increase the understanding of elderly people about osteoporosis exercises to prevent osteoporosis
Method: The method used was lecture and demonstrations about osteoporosis exercise. This public service was conducted by lecturers and students at the Nursing Diploma, Sari Mutiara University Indonesia
Result: about 80% of elderly people were understand and able to demonstrate about osteoporosis exercises.
Conclusion: After receiving teaching, elderly people's knowledge about osteoporosis exercise as a prevention of osteoporosis has increased.
Lampiran Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor HK.01.07/Menkes/
/2023 Tentang Pedoman Nasional Pelayanan Kedokteran Tata Laksana Osteoporosis.
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Cara Mengutip
Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Idahwati Idahwati, Flora Sijabat, Elida Sinuraya, Theresia Halawa, Christian Nduru, Juyanti Sianturi, Rosmayana Simamora, Agnes Theresia Simatupang, Lia Nurhayati Sipayung
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