Membangun Kesadaran Tindakan Anti Bullying Siswa SD Negeri 2 Belor
DOI: Kunci:
Elementary school, Education, BulliyingAbstrak
Introduction : The phenomenon of bullying that occurs in kids often involves agrresive behavior that can be repeated by a certain person or group against other individuals who are considered or have weaknesses so that they are unable to defend themselves.
Objective: The purpose of this service is to build awareness of anti-bullying actions in elementary schools, negative impacts and tolerance attitudes in children
Method: This public service was conducted by counseling method with lectures, discussions, role simulations so that it can provide a real picture and effective ways to prevent it in elementary school children.
Result:. This activity resulted in an increase in participants' understanding of the impact of bullying and simple and effective steps to prevent bullying.
Conclusion: The community service that has been carried out contributes to creating a safer elementary school environment for children and supports mental well-being for the school
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Cara Mengutip
Hak Cipta (c) 2025 Anita Lufianti, Fitriani, Yuwanti, Christina Nur Widayati, Rahmawati, Yesita Ragil Kusumaningrum, Mika Agustiana, Wahyu Unggul Widodo, Dewi Novitasari, Dea Puspita Rini, Nur Iffani Khoirunisa, Nurul Fitriyani

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